(Inner) Visions of Freedom
Explore how institutional racism pervades our healthcare systems, the physical and mental effect it has on our bodies, and effective action to close this gap.
Programmes > African-Carribean Tyler (ACT) Essay Prize > (Inner) Visions of Freedom
Reimagine what freedom looks like for Black people across the world, through the cultural imaginations of our ancestors past, and peers of the present.
Related disciplines: Health & Life Sciences (Medicine, Biology, Psychology)
How are contemporary projects such as Black Panther and Black is King dis/connected from the aesthetic and cultural trajectory of Black liberation? What role does Black culture have in the Black revolution? What is the relationship between history and culture? This module seeks to probe these questions and explore the liberatory aspects of Black culture, performance, and imagination through a focus on artistic movements/moments such as, but not limited to, Afrofuturism and the Black Arts Movement.

Abena, Module Leader
What has been the role of culture, art and the artist in the Black revolution?

Ebun's degree concentrations were Art History and Ethnomusicology, through an Afro-Brazilian Womanist lens. Now, she is the Inner Visions of Freedom Module Leader. Alongside this, she currently works as an Advocate for a charity that seeks to empower young women who have experienced sexual and criminal exploitation.
Ebun | Module Leader for (Inner) Visions of Freedom

Black Skin, White Masks - Frantz Fanon (Available via Free Black Uni) (1952)